Wednesday, May 19, 2010


"School's out for summer!"
Friday was Aashini's last day of school until July, so we have been thinking about all of the things we're going to do now that school is out...
We'll do some building...
Aashini made this one all by herself (really!) - she was so proud of it!
We'll do some crafting....
Aashini said she was "SUPER GROVER" when she put these things on :) haha!
We'll play some music....
This is Aashini's new keyboard - she LOVES it!
We'll do some singing....
This is the microphone that's attached to the keyboard - it's her favorite part! She's loud! :) haha!
... and we'll have some fun just hanging around :) haha!


Emily said...

Oh wow those pictures are adorable!! But especially the one of her singing into the mic...I love it!!

Christine said...

you need to send me a list of things you have so I can make some craft projects with you!

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! I love the picture with the keyboard. Her facial expression cracks me up!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Super Grover... hilarious... as are the arm bands... and Aashini's face as she's playing the piano. So funny! Summer is so fun.