There are all sorts of fun baby things out there to get for your baby ;) We have a couple of things that are pretty fun... Here's the fun chair we just got... Aashini doesn't have tons of use for it yet but she definitely will soon!! It's great because it folds up really small and is only 3 inches tall :) ... she's still a little short for using it on our chairs so we had to put a pillow behind her so she wouldn't bang her head :) haha!
We also have this great baby carrier that our friends in Colorado gave us. Aashini LOVES it! She loves to just sit in it as we do our daily stuff around the house... Adam cooks dinner with her in it sometimes.
She likes it so much that it tends to put her to sleep :)
dude, I am pretty sure those carriers say all over them NOT too cook it while baby's in there! :) I think they're worried we're going to cook the baby or something! I do it too, though - very carefully!
do you now of a gadget to keep babies from trying to type while mommy's typing? besides a straightjacket i mean. because i could use something like that right about now. :)
This seriously made me laugh hysterically! That first picture is hilarious! What is that thing? Is it a booster seat? She looks like she loves it! Oh my goodness, she is so cute. It's like her personality just comes through in those big eyes! I love that Adam is such a cool dad, I mean, we all knew he would be, but those pictures are such proof! Taking care of the baby and cooking at the same time?! Woah! Love you guys!
Ha-Ha! Love those pics!
I've seen those type of chairs before that are pretty handy.
What kind of sling is that? I just recently got n Ergo Baby Sling and I LOVE IT! I'll have to post some pics with Emma in it. I just love the slings :) Someday its the only way I can get anything done, especially outside the house!
Aw Aashini loves her daddy! Look at that big smile on her face.
So cute! I love the last picture where Aashini fell asleep. What a sweet little girl.
That portable high chair ROCKS! We take ours all over the world, and it is SSOO compact.
Well, I'm not sure what kind of baby carrier it is... it's from here.. I think it's from sweeden... it was cheap too - it's cool!
jacob - we got the idea for the chair from you guys! It's great!
Jacob stole my comment--so I'll just say ditto on the chair! Keely still uses it--it keeps her safe from people who want to pick her up too!! LOL!
I'm with the Franklins! We'd be sunk without our First Years booster like that! It's SO perfect for living over here where restaurants don't have high chairs! We take it everytime we go out to eat. And then its super handy if we have guests in our home with young kids. Mine can sit in their high chair and theirs can use the booster!
could she be any cuter?? is cuter a real word?? hahha. this is what happens when you have three kids..toooo cuttteee.
How precious! I love it!
Thanks Andrea! And your baby is adorable too. Especially those pretty bright blue eyes. Peyton loves being in that carrier thing too with her daddy.
What a great dad! Cooking and taking care of baby. You've been doubly blessed!
Wow! That baby carrier rocks! We have a snugli but it says don't use it near flame (i.e. while cooking) but it looks like with the one Adam's wearing, you can move the baby around so she's out of the way. Cool!
our baby carrier thing was from here - and the instructions are in sweedish - haha! But he was just cutting up veggies and stuff - not doing "heavy" cooking BUT she was behind him anyway, so no worries everyone :)
whoozits and whatsits galore?
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