I'm officially 8 months now...32 Weeks! whoo hoo! My belly is HUGE! Some days I feel like I need a strap to hold it up! haha!
I went to the doc this week and I gained over 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks... I've been swelling TONS... she said it's probably just water weight, but I had to have tons of tests yesterday to make sure... I'll find out more info on Tuesday, but I did get to have an ultrasound :) The baby was so big that I could hardly make out what was what! haha! OK, if you can handle it, look at the pic below... (mom don't look :)).... First is the "BEFORE PICTURE" - It's not the best pic, but it's the only foot pic I could find that was pre-pregnancy... mine is the white foot on the bottom...
And now... this is the "AFTER or CURRENT Picture" This is what my feet looked like the other day when I got home - ewwww!!!!!
Ahhh the joys of pregnancy :) haha! I know it's definitely worth it, but right now it's just uncomfortable :) haha!
I love it that you were bold enough to post a picture of your swollen feet. I know that's uncomfortable for you - so sorry! It will pass and you'll get your normal feet back! :) Your belly is big! I really think you're having a boy because of the way you're carrying him/her but maybe it's just because of your stature. Press on! I'm glad you're feeling pretty good!
I highly recommend compression hosiery...they are not at all cute, but they kept my feet from swelling up during the last few months of pregnancy...hang in there, drink lots of water and keep your feet up as much as possible!
My feet swell when i travel, and i hate it. But they don't get as big as your are in the picture, so i can only imagine how uncomfortable you are! Keep on Rockin!!! JB's almost here- woo hoo!
WOW! Anthony's reaction to the picture of the feet was "Those aren't even real..." and my reaction was "Oh, please Lord, help get those pregnancy hose here from the states soon!"
So yes, the water and the hose... and prop them up! Although it looks like I can see "reef" flip flop outlines. I'd really like for doctors to come up with a way to prop feet up while walking!
Jellybean is getting ripe:) He'll be here SO soon! (and so will your ankle bones:)
You'll laugh at the difference in your feet within hours after the baby is born! I'm so sorry--I know it's uncomfortable. With the last baby I made Brian rub my feet every night. That may not even feel good though! The heat probably doesn't help. We'll be thinking about your feet seeing you still have 8 weeks left! Maybe he'll come early. :)
Oh you poor thing. That looks incredibly painful!! At least you look so extremely cute...does that make your feet feel any better? Probably not. :) But you DO look cute!
AHHHHHH! Mine did the same thing. The only thing that would fit my fat feet were flip-flops. That was a problem because my uniform for SWA was white tennies. I'm sorry. I am sure that there are tons of people who are more than willing to offer advice. Do what you want sista! You can do it!
OH yeah! Congrats on 8 months! That is awesome!
I've never seen anything like that! Wow! You should get your pregnant feet painted too. Hang in there, it's only a couple more weeks!
Girl! I can not believe your feet! I know that must be so uncomfortable! Keep those babies propped up girl and take it easy! You'll need these last weeks of rest and relaxing to get you ready for lots of late nights with little Jellybean- who I am afraid might not be sooo little anymore! :-) You look so adorable! I can't believe how great you are looking for being so far along! Amazing! Hey, you know I have to ask- are there any "incriminating" photos from that sonogram that might show you pink or blue?
You look so great! Jellybean will be here before you know it! Yeah, feet swelling stinks... I thought my feet would explode, but it does go away really quickly afterwards.
oh, your poor feet! congrats on your little jellybean! he/she is almost here...i can't wait to see pictures. take care!
You look so adorable! And so joyful. I am so sorry about your feet...I had major swelling this time too, and the only things that helped were keeping my feet up, drinking LOTS of water, and staying away from sodium. The last one might not be possible with the food in your area, but if you can, try not to eat salt...it really should help! You know what helps the most though? Delivery! Not much time left!
Just like everyone else - I'm sooo sorry about your feet! I guess it's kind of like walking around on feet that are asleep? That can't feel good. Other than that - you really do look great! Before you know it JB will be here!!! YAY!
your feet are daggum huge. totally unreal! i guess you outgrew your toe rings eh?! :)
we actually gave the literature back to our thai maids. and also threw in a Danielle Steel novel as well just for good measure! :)
your poor little piggies! sit down with a tall glass of water and put your feet up, sista! oh wait, then you'll have to go pee. oh well, just do it. you're so close now, and you just look so darn cute. hang in there. jellybean's comin'!
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