Thursday, July 26, 2012

Diya's First Speaking Competition

On Tuesday morning Diya had her first speaking competition and class presentation.  It was super cute!  Diya is in Pre-Nursery and is now 2 1/2 years old :)
 It started with all of the kids on stage showing some of their opening exercises/activities they do every morning.  Diya was a little nervous but not really.  She did good :)
 Then it was the time for the speaking competition!  Diya had to go on state by herself and say her "introduction" and a Hindi poem.  When it was her turn to go she freaked out and made this face:
 Diya is a lot more shy than Aashini, but once she got up on the stage (after one of the teachers carried her to the mic), she did great :)  (That is her head teacher holding the mic - Sonal ma'am)
 When she was done, she was so proud of herself :)  (her assistant teacher is the one in the red/green outfit in this pic - Ritu Ma'am)
 I might have been scared too...  For the kid's first speaking competition they have all the lights turned off (except on the stage) and make all the parents wear masks so the kids don't know that it's their parents (They think that the parents will make the kids nervous).  Although they aren't as scary as the masks we were supposed to wear for Aashini's first presentation... they were a little scary to Diya (who currently has a huge fear of Spiderman)...
 After all the kids spoke, they came on stage and did a Taekwondo presentation.  Diya was a little nervous but got into it after a little bit.  
 Doing her kicks :)
 Then they did a song too.  Diya LOVED that part!  She had been practicing it at home and just loved it!
 She loves music :)
 She was so proud of herself afterwards!  She said:  "My teacher is going to give me chocolate and I'm going to share it with Aashini!" :)  It was cute :)
 After the performance they let us go into the computer lab and the kids got to show us what they've been learning on computers :)
 Then Diya showed us around and showed us her favorite places to play.
 This is one of Diya's buddies in her class :)
 Playing in the dirt...
 Playing in the fun ball pit! :)
Here is a video!!!  The first part is Diya doing her Introduction and her Hindi poem.  Then I put the song (because it was her favorite) and then a few other pieces of the performance.  
Diya has a cute little stutter right now.  She's been going through a big growth spurt and the last two weeks she's started stuttering (Aashini did this too).  It's pretty cute in this video :)

Here is Diya practicing her poem before her performance (it's much more animated :)).


Emily said...

So when Diya gets on the computer, does she "check her Face?" haha!

SouthAsiaRocks said...
